Frequently Asked Questions

It is recommended to use Chrome browser

How to create a login

  1. Click on the red LOGIN button in the top right corner, it will take you to the login page.

  2. If you do not already have a login, click on signup here.

  3. Fill in all of the necessary information. It is very important that you use your organization email address.

  4. Click submit.

  5. You will receive a verification email. Go to the email and click on Complete Email Verification.

  6. You must verify your email before accessing Videos tab.

Forgot my password

  1. Click on the red LOGIN button in the top right corner, it will take you to the login page.

  2. Click on ‘I forgot my password’. 

  3. Enter your email address.

  4. You will receive an email with instructions on how to reset your password.

How to access videos

  1. Click on red LOGIN button in the top right corner.

  2. Click on Videos on the top menu.

  3. It will display all the video programs available to your organization.

  4. Click on the video program you are interested in. A list of videos will be presented.

  5. Choose the video you wish to play.

How to access Zoom Classes

  1. Click on red LOGIN button in the top right corner.

  2. Click on Zoom Classes on the top menu.

  3. It will display a two month calendar of classes available to your organization.

  4. Click on the class that is not grayed out that you would like to register for.

  5. You will receive the zoom registration confirmation email for that class.